
Spinach and salmon tart

Salmon is a popular food. Classified as an oily fish, salmon is considered to be healthy due to the fish’s high protein, high omega-3 fatty acids, and high vitamin D. The essential vitamins and the good fatty acids can decrease the risk of coronary disease and certain cancers. So, you see, really healthy stuff;) Smoked salmon is a preparation of salmon, typically a fillet that has been cured and hot or cold smoked. Due to its moderately high price, smoked salmon is considered a delicacy.  I like salmon in all the varieties. It is one of the fish I eat often and I think it is delicious. Read more


5 interesting facts about The Little Prince

On average, I read about 50 books a year. If I were to live another 42 years, the age I am now, it would mean that I would still have the chance to read another 2100 books. The perspective of a limited number of books I could read instantly gives me anxiety 🙂 Hence the dilemma of whether to give a chance to a book I started reading, which after the first few pages does not arouse my imagination or abandon it at the expense of another book, hopefully better. Read more


5X Healthy breakfast recipes

Mens sana in corpore sano! A healthy breakfast must be nutritionally balanced to provide you plenty of energy at the beginning of the day.  I like slow mornings when you wake up and have coffee in your pyjama, but these kind of morning I can afford only in the weekends. I’m not much of a breakfast person during the week, most mornings I usually grab a cup of coffee, a hard-boiled egg and a piece of fruit, or whip up a smoothie. I must confess, I am obsessed with avocado toast for breakfast, especially when I have avocados in my fridge that need to be used up. The following breakfast recipes are my favorites:
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Foto: Pinterest

The forty rules of love – Elif Shafak

Love changes the life. True love does not care about religion, culture, age… These rules of love belong to Shams of Tabiz, the character of The forty rules of love written by Elif Shafak.

Rule 1:

How we see God is a direct reflection of how we see ourselves. If God brings to mind mostly fear and blame, it means there is too much fear and blames welled inside us. If we see God as full of love and compassion, so are we. Read more


The books I liked the most in 2017

Every year I write down in a notebook with the Little Prince on the cover all the books I read during that year. Usually, I mark with a heart and the letter J the books I would like my child to read later.  I have most of the time a list of books I wanna read. It’s a never-ending list since I remove two-three books and add five more back 🙂  It is clear to me that I will die with an unfinished list of books to read. Half-year is gone already, so I thought I’d make a list with the books I liked the most from all I’ve read so far this year. The order is random. Read more


The Goldfinch – Donna Tartt

I was reading The Goldfinch with such eagerness! In the beginning, I had doubts that I will read the book till the end (the book published by Litera has 1108 pages!), but the small painting’s story really captivated me, it’s that kind of book which will not let you sleep, eat or do anything else than reading. I’ve finished the book in almost two weeks. The book was realized in 2013, is the third novel written by Donna Tartt and was awarded Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2014. Read more