
The day I thought maybe I will die

A what?

-A tumor.

-A tumor as in the cancer kind of stuff? Do you mean that shitty stuff that can turn you from alive to dead? You’re kidding me, right?

The day I heard I am the possessor of a tumor was the most revealing day of my life. You get the news and you expect yourself to stay positive, but out of the blue, your mind will make connections you will not expect. And then THE question hits you: what if you are going to die? In front of death, we are all equal. It will get you one day anyway, but hey, nobody expects to die in their 40’s. Read more


What other stuff the Dutch discovered?

Long before the Netherlands was synonym with tulips, windmills, cheese markets, wooden shoes, canals of Amsterdam, masterpieces of Old Masters, Delft Blue earthenware, innovative water-management, millions of bicycles, and happy children, the Dutch were seafarers, explorers, and conquerors. This small country it’s packed with world-famous discoveries and inventions. Let’s see! Read more


The joy of adulthood

I think the best sentence of my adulthood is “Yeah, I am not going to do that!” Last months the coffee was keeping me alive. Switching between a full-time job and full-time mother, from trying to be a good friend (failing big time most of the times lately) to a little bit of paint here, a little laminate there, sucked all my time. RIP photography course, piano lessons and holiday plans. I admit I am one of the worst planners ever. I make shopping lists and I get to the grocery store without the damn lists, I download budget apps and still I get the “oh shit I forgot to pay the bloody speed fine”. Read more

Foto: Pinterest

Create your own heaven!

Create your own heaven! that’s what my grandmother used to tell me. She sat on the edge of the bed in the room near the entrance, the room with the sunniest mornings, the room of my childhood bedtime stories, with the candle lit all the time and the jars with fleshy pieces of aloe in the full process of maceration. I took the powder from the shelf, opened it and looked fascinated at the fine texture of the compact powder. It’s as old as forever, she told me, and every gentle wrinkle of hers smiled at me. She was the gentlest woman in my entire world.

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Photo: Pinterest

Hurtful words

Why can words be so hurtful? I am still looking for a better answer. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me… Far from the truth this phrase from Rihanna’s song. Words do hurt more, for a longer time. A bruise disappears after a few days, but words will stay in your mind a long time and will hurt just like on the first day, every time you will think about it. I still remember how humiliated I felt when a classmate from basic school told me that my legs are ugly. Yeap, I don’t have gazelle legs, but it was still hurtful. Read more

Photo: Wikipedia

Shock, horror! Dragobete* kiss girls!

I am not a fan of Valentine’s Day. Not even of Dragobete (Romanian love feast, the equivalent of Valentine’s Day). I just realized that last year I totally forgot about this celebration. Facebook reminded me this morning what I was doing last year on Valentine’s Day: flying to Birmingham. Now I see that it was exactly on Dragobete. Dragobete kiss girls! Whatsoever… All my Valentine’s Day/Dragobete attempts as a teenager (and not only) ended up as a disaster. Read more