Tag: books

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The Human Library

In Copenhagen exists a library where you can borrow books … human books. Exactly, people with a story. The Human Library is, in the true sense of the word, the library of people. Readers can borrow human beings serving as open books and have conversations they would not normally have access to.  Every human book from the “bookshelf”, represents a group in our society that is often subjected to prejudice, stigmatization or discrimination because of their lifestyle, diagnosis, belief, disability, social status, ethnic origin etc. Read more


The books I liked the most in 2017

Every year I write down in a notebook with the Little Prince on the cover all the books I read during that year. Usually, I mark with a heart and the letter J the books I would like my child to read later.  I have most of the time a list of books I wanna read. It’s a never-ending list since I remove two-three books and add five more back 🙂  It is clear to me that I will die with an unfinished list of books to read. Half-year is gone already, so I thought I’d make a list with the books I liked the most from all I’ve read so far this year. The order is random. Read more


Love letters from great and women – Ursula Doyle

You will not believe what a longing for you possesses me. The chief cause of this is my love and then we have not grown used to be apart. So it comes to pass that I lie awake a great part of the night, thinking of you; and that by day, when the hours return at which I was wont to visit you, my feet take me, as it is so truly said, to your chamber, but not finding you there I return, sick and sad at heart, like an excluded lover.Read more