Sursă foto: Pinterest

Shall we get married Monday 9 a.m.?

My friend M. used to tell me with a smile in the corner of her beautiful lips as soon as I settled in the Netherlands “let me know when you start having a hard time, or when you shall miss our home country or when you simply got tired of this Dutch”. Sometimes it is! Although it’s not a real longing for my birth country. In fact, I miss going out having coffee with my friends, being able to leave my lovely daughter with my mom at any time, without checking her agenda for the first free day of the coming week. Read more


The unforeseeable Dutch weather

It’s summer. I know, social media is overloaded with pictures from the beach, swimsuits are THE posts. People are checking-in on Facebook from Mamaia, from Greece, from Vadu, where is Vama this year, I haven’t seen many pictures from Vama in this begining of the summer. On the other hand … I didn’t even bother taking my sandals out of the boxes. Look, right now, the weather app shows that it will rain tomorrow and as a bonus, all the weekend. Of course, things may change from an hour to another. The weather in the Netherlands is more unpredictable than any woman since Eve.

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Miss J. dixit

“- How should I explain you, mom? There are actually two skies: one where are the sun, the clouds and the aeroplanes and one sky where are all the dead people.

– Well fine, but how such big heavy aeroplanes can fly?

Ah, this is so simple, aeroplanes have gravitation. So does the sun. The sun is standing on the sky because it has gravitation, otherwise, it would just fall down. The clouds … Do not believe even for a second that clouds are made of cotton candy. Read more

Foto: Pinterest

04:30 sharp*

“Pretty young, but not so young, lady, divorced for several years out of her own free will, looking for a sleeping partner, preferably lightly  snoring (to match my own snoring), who can bear my night fears. Those who know how to make coffee first thing in the morning get first in line.”

Do you know where the ad came from? Well, I shall explain!
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Homemade bodyscrub with coconut oil and orange zest

This body scrub with coconut oil and orange zest is one of my favorites. It smells sensational and leaves the skin very soft. Coconut oil is not only hydrating but also full of vitamins E and K and it is very rich in iron. Bring many benefits for the skin: moisturizes and softens the skin, removes the dry skin feeling, it is an excellent ingredient for a scrub, it is gentle with sores or calluses (heal bruises), it is antibacterial (soothes irritations) and gives the skin a special glow. Read more


Question and Answer with miss J

Last week, during an easy relaxed evening, I played a game or quiz with Miss J.: Question and Answer! The rule was simple: we can ask, one by one, questions about each other and we must answer honestly. Some answers brought me some big smiles 🙂
Here are my questions and her answers:

1. What do you have to do so that a marriage is going well?
I think the husband must give a lot of flowers to his wife. Then it will go well!
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