Tag: love

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The forty rules of love – Elif Shafak

Love changes the life. True love does not care about religion, culture, age… These rules of love belong to Shams of Tabiz, the character of The forty rules of love written by Elif Shafak.

Rule 1:

How we see God is a direct reflection of how we see ourselves. If God brings to mind mostly fear and blame, it means there is too much fear and blames welled inside us. If we see God as full of love and compassion, so are we. Read more

Photo: Wikipedia

Shock, horror! Dragobete* kiss girls!

I am not a fan of Valentine’s Day. Not even of Dragobete (Romanian love feast, the equivalent of Valentine’s Day). I just realized that last year I totally forgot about this celebration. Facebook reminded me this morning what I was doing last year on Valentine’s Day: flying to Birmingham. Now I see that it was exactly on Dragobete. Dragobete kiss girls! Whatsoever… All my Valentine’s Day/Dragobete attempts as a teenager (and not only) ended up as a disaster. Read more


Love letters from great and women – Ursula Doyle

You will not believe what a longing for you possesses me. The chief cause of this is my love and then we have not grown used to be apart. So it comes to pass that I lie awake a great part of the night, thinking of you; and that by day, when the hours return at which I was wont to visit you, my feet take me, as it is so truly said, to your chamber, but not finding you there I return, sick and sad at heart, like an excluded lover.Read more


Falling in love is like a rainbow

A warm delicious summer rain had just stopped minutes ago and I am sitting down at the wooden table from my garden with a cup of coffee in my hand, eager to breathe the after rain fresh air. I keep thinking about yesterday when I met a friend. She has told me with a huge smile on her face that she is in love. She shouldn’t have even say it, you’ve could hear it in her voice, you’ve could see it in her eyes (her eyes were shining like two genuine diamonds).  Read more