
Question and Answer with miss J

Last week, during an easy relaxed evening, I played a game or quiz with Miss J.: Question and Answer! The rule was simple: we can ask, one by one, questions about each other and we must answer honestly. Some answers brought me some big smiles 🙂
Here are my questions and her answers:

1. What do you have to do so that a marriage is going well?
I think the husband must give a lot of flowers to his wife. Then it will go well!

2. How can a person say if a woman and a man are married?
Because they are walking hand in hand. Or when he kisses her with his tongue. ( …  say what ?!??! hahaha)

3. What a man and a woman do on their first date?
They discuss books having heroes stories.

4. What would you do if your first date would be boring?
I would leave the boy there and I would go with my girlfriends. (that’s my girl!)

5. When is it alright to kiss somebody?
Ah, maybe after you are 11?

6. What age is the good age to get married?
I will never marry. (hmm, we’ll talk later about this)

7. Is it better to be married or to be alone?
I would never marry, but I will also not be alone. I will stay with you forever and sometimes with my girlfriends.

8. How do you choose a husband?
Well, he must be good like Ivar (Ivar is her colleague at school; she has a crush on him), he has to be blonde, to have a house close by the beach,  but I will not marry him, I told you already! 

9. Why does your blood run through your body?
Because otherwise, we could not be on this planet. (she’s got a point)

10. For what are the eyebrows used?
To get mad at someone or to get amazed when you get a big present.

11. Why do we have to wash our bodies with soap?          If we don’t do that, Miss Bacteria is coming and then you get worms in your butt which tickles like hell. Sorry mom I said hell, but I had to.

12. What is a soul?
The soul is when you breathe in and out. And it has a triangle shape. (has it!?!?)

13. What is sadness?
Sadness is when you cry because you fell and a boy is coming to tell you not to cry anymore.

14. What modern does it mean?
When you only dress beautiful clothes. I mean only dresses, not trousers.

15. Which are the ingredients of perfume?
Water, some soap, flowers, one more time soap and that’s it!

16. How are the birds talking to each other?
They are using birds’ language.

17. What is time?
Time is when the clock is turning and turning and turning and never stopping.

18. What is a secret?
A secret is when somebody is telling you something and you can not tell anybody, even if you are desperately wanting to tell.

19. What is a smile?
When you show all your teeth. It doesn’t matter if you miss some teeth.

20. For what do you use a flag?
Then you know it’s not allowed to go into the water. But only if it is a red flag! (huh, a little swimmer) 

21. What is a Minister?
I don’t know, maybe it means you can look to small bugs? (?!?!?)

22. From what is soap made?
Water, some nice smell, toothpaste and suds. Many suds.

23. Why are people offering presents to other people?
To see them jumping of happiness.

24. Why is a conductor moving his hands?
So that everybody knows when to sing a tone higher or lower, just like my teacher at the choir.

25. Why doesn’t a chicken really fly if it is also a bird?
I think because she has to stay on the eggs to make baby chickens.

26. What is love?
Love is when your heart is doing very loud bum-bum.

27. How is a baby born?
Well, first we have a mom and inside her belly will grow a baby. This mom will have a baby like a magician is doing to get suddenly a rabbit out of his hat. And the baby got inside the mom’s belly after the dad of the baby kissed her very loudly. (is that so?)

28. Ok. But how were YOU born then?
In my case, you went to the hospital where the babies are born and you had to go inside a machine which cut open your belly and I started to cry because I wanted to go out from there as soon as possible. And that means I was born.

Isn’t the mind of a child amazing?

Conversation with Miss J. which is right now 6 years and 9 months old.

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