
Falling in love is like a rainbow

A warm delicious summer rain had just stopped minutes ago and I am sitting down at the wooden table from my garden with a cup of coffee in my hand, eager to breathe the after rain fresh air. I keep thinking about yesterday when I met a friend. She has told me with a huge smile on her face that she is in love. She shouldn’t have even say it, you’ve could hear it in her voice, you’ve could see it in her eyes (her eyes were shining like two genuine diamonds). 

As a sign that the whole universe is on her side, a beautiful very in love looking rainbow just came on the sky. Very in love, just like my friend. I think the most beautiful part of a relationship is the beginning, being in love. Well, at least one of the most exciting times when you had the whole damn zoo in your stomach 🙂 I’m sitting here and think what you must do and what spells to say while you add in the pot of life the necessary ingredients for the eternal state of being in love. How to find during a relationship which goes in time through various strives (when the flu changes the normal form of your nose into a double red nose full of mucus, when you do not even feel like being all bright and shiny, when the monsters of postnatal depression go around you, when the new hairstyle is actually a new missed hairstyle, blah blah blah) the in love state of mind from the first months?

What can you do (in fact, both of you) not to forget exactly what made you celebrate all these coexistence and mutual tolerance years together? Do we tend to forget because of bad habit,  because of the idea that we just deserve no matter what the other one, because of the hectic life, the debts, the children ???

Despite the fact that we know our life partner/roommate sometimes forgets to say I love you, or not always takes out the garbage after you kindly ask it four times, or postpones some repairs here and there on indefinite time, he (or she) is however, the one we fell in love so badly years ago. If you dare to look a little deeper into your memory, I am convinced that you will find many awesome memories from when you were in love with him (her) that will make you smile.

And in the end, you have him (her) on your inventory, right? 🙂

What? They didn’t attach the inventory to your contract ??? Damn it, I knew I got something extra! 🙂

You can find the theoretical version of the rainbow here.

L o v e & R a i n b o w

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